FogBugz 6.0 Online Help

Project Reports

FogBugz uses an algorithm called Evidence-Based Scheduling (EBS) to compute the probability that your product will ship by any given date.

From the Reports menu, choose the project for which you want a report.

The report page has three sections.

In the top left, you'll see a table of all the upcoming releases for this project, sorted by their official date. Drag the slider up and down to control which releases should be included in the chart. For example, if you have a "beta" release, drag the slider to that release to show the beta ship dates.

In the top right, there is a slider listing priorities 1-7. Drag this slider up and down to control which priority cases should be included in the chart. You can use this to quickly see how the schedule is affected based on which priority features you implement. For example, if the ship dates EBS calculates are simply too late, you can quickly determine if you can finish on time by eliminating lower priority cases.

  • Note: If you are using Internet Explorer, you have to click on the chart to activate it.
  • The chart at the bottom of the page has three tabs. It can show you three kinds of reports:

    Ship Date Confidence Distribution

    This chart shows the probability that you will finish all estimated cases for any given date, for the release and priorities you selected above. The x-axis shows a ship date, while the y-axis shows the probability. You can move your mouse around the chart to examine numbers in detail.

    It answers questions like:

    Even though EBS doesn't perfectly predict the future, this chart is extremely useful in planning. You might discover, for example, that you only have a 3% chance of hitting the official date. When you have that information early, you can decide to cut features or change the official date before it's too late.

    Observe the steepness of the chart.

    Ship Date Over Time

    Every night, FogBugz stores a snapshot of the ship date confidence distribution for that day. This chart allows you to see how the estimated dates are changing from day to day. On the x-axis, it shows the date on which the calculation was done. On the y-axis, it shows the ship dates calculated on that date.

    There are three lines. The lower line shows the 5% confidence ship date (there was only a 5% chance of hitting that date); the middle line shows the 50% confidence ship date, and the top line shows the 95% date.

    It answers questions like:

    Observe whether the chart is climbing, sinking, or flat.

    Observe whether the three lines are converging (moving closer together).

    Developer Ship Dates

    The developer ship date chart can be used to see which team members have the most work on their plates and are in the critical path.

    It answers questions like:

    For each developer, you get a horizontal bar which shows five points: the developer's 5%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 95% probability ship dates.

    The further to the right a developer's bar appears, the later that developer will finish their work.

    Observe whether the bar is wide or narrow. The widest bars reflect the developers who have the most uncertainty in their estimates.

    In some cases, this may not matter. If Alice has a very wide bar, but she still has a 95% chance of finishing well before Bob, then Alice is not in the critical path, and her poor estimates cannot affect the schedule.

    If it does matter, click on the developer's name to see that developer's estimate history, so you can see why EBS doesn't trust that developer's estimates.